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1947 Flying Saucer Eyewitness

Strange Airship Seen By Georges Township Man

Smithfield, Pennsylvania.

September 17, 1909

 A man named AJ Thompson saw strange lights in the sky. He thought they were an airship hovering over his property. The sighting was witnessed between 10 pm and 11 pm. Thompson recalled he could distinguish the stars and the sky beyond it. It was moving in a zig-zag course toward the southwest.  The strange object in the sky appeared as a “brilliant light and oblong in shape”.  It was moving in a zig-zag course and the general direction was southwest. 

Two men in the area also saw the reflection of the strange aircraft on the waters of George’s Creek.  Interestingly, they claimed the object’s reflection gave the object an entirely different appearance than when looking directly at it.  Additionally, Thompson’s daughter could still see the strange airship at 5 o’clock the following morning.  She said it was traveling very slowly, tacking back and forth.  She claimed it looked like a vessel that had lost its bearings.

Was this airship lost?  Did it appear to be using a cloaking technology to alter its appearance in the reflection of the lake?  This is 1909.  Did this technology exist?  Was it a balloon?  You decide.

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