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Henry Lincoln’s Obit in 2010?

Although Henry Lincoln researched and investigated serious subjects of ancient knowledge, origin of leylines, geometry, etc, he always maintained his sense of humor throughout.  Despite, sometimes being utterly frustrated with the ‘loons’ who used his research to destroy the landscape and artifacts he desperately was trying to preserve and learn from.

In 2010, it was posted that Lincoln had died.  Henry found out about this and decided to write a blogpost on the matter.  This is an excerpt from his New Year 2011 post.

In late summer we had quite a flurry of excitement.   Somewhere, it seems, there is a website which, for some obscure reason, seems to occupy itself by monitoring my doings. In September I was thrilled to discover that it was apparently carrying my Obit! The world was informed that, like Monty Python’s parrot, I was ‘No More’.

Had I deceased myself without noticing?  After all, at my advanced age, nobody would be overly surprised. Judicious inquiries of my nearest and long-suffering-est elicited the information that I seemed to be no more noticeably moribund than is usual.

Further intensive research uncovered the fact that I hadn’t yet shuffled off this mortal coil – which I found comforting.* The vanished Henry Lincoln, it seemed, had been a citizen of the US of A, with no apparent connection to Rennes-le-Château, Bérenger Saunière – nor even me. I hope he enjoyed his time as much as I continue to do.  In fact, I’m not absolutely sure that I presently possess a coil of any sort, which makes the shuffling thereof slightly problematic.

For the uninformed, Henry passed away in February 2022.  He stumbled upon a great mystery that remains many unanswered questions. He reintroduced these mysteries to a modern, 20th Century audience.  He admitted when he was wrong and acknowledged he was not an expert, but a seeker.  His research and tenacity to find ancient truths will be missed.

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